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Mom of Sgt Freeman Gardner Have a Great 2010 ! December 29, 2009

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Have a blessed New Year December 28, 2009



                        HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Lori~ Mom of Shane Schaben ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR "2010" December 27, 2009

~ Micheal & Twin's Scatto~ Mom ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR "2010" December 27, 2009

Cynthia Mum2 *i* Myles 4eva 15 Merry Christmas December 25, 2009

Brent, Precious Angel,

The holiday season awakens good cheer

and draws us closer 2 those we hold dear

It’s not only at this time that we miss U

But all the way throughout the year

Mom to Angel Justin Lindley Wishing you a Peaceful Holiday! December 23, 2009


Aunt Jo to Angel Leah Avril From my heart to yours December 23, 2009
 Teri and the family of Brent, We all belong to a club no wants a membership in, The broken hearts club. So sorry for your loss. Thank you for your kindness and concern. I cried when I read your condolence message and saw the beautiful card. I had to call Leah's sister up and read it to her. (her computer is in a maybe I will work or maybe I won't work mood)  She doesn't laugh much anymore, but when I told her what you wrote about your handsome Brent looking out for Leah and how he loved the pretty girls, she laughed and said " still trying to fix Leah up" which is what we would do when she was here. My sister had tried to fix her up with the pastor's son after Leah had broken up with her steady boyfriend of almost 3 years. That was just about 3 months ago. Then this guy we knew nothing about came in her life. We heard she had tried to break up with him about 2 weeks before he shot and killed her. Pure devastation for my family. You can tell Brent to take care of all the angels. From his handsome picture, and big smile, I know they  have hit it off. Thank you for your kindness. Jo  God keep us all
Cece~ Amanda Gaston's~mom FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS December 23, 2009
Helena. Mum of Hannah Card.xx. Happy Christmas.xx. December 23, 2009
AV/Laura family of Lisa Maas ♥ Happy Holidays from our family to yours..♥♥ December 23, 2009

Baby Ethan Lombard's Mommy Warm Holiday Wishes December 23, 2009

Teri Angel Mom Of Jaime Drebit Wishing you & your Family a Blessed Christmas December 23, 2009

Cece~Amanda Gaston's ~ mom FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS December 22, 2009
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Merry Christmas Angel Brent December 22, 2009
                         Merry Christmas 




Hugs and Love~Mary and Josh Wishing you a Blessed Christmas December 22, 2009
From ^J^Garrett Harris' Family Holiday Wishes December 22, 2009
Mum 2 Daniel Coorey Merry Christmas..Thinking of you...xx December 22, 2009

Libby mom of Elyse Cannon Merry Christmas December 22, 2009


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